Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Full circle.

When we declared our independence, we told the King of England we would bow no more. No more unfair taxes, no more mandated religion, no more of his soldiers in our streets.

Fast forward to present day. President Obama is turning back the clock at breakneck speed, he is bowing to terrorist dictators (both politically and physically with that shameful display in Saudi Arabia), Raising taxes on us by going after the CEO's of large companies. Who do you think pays thoughs taxes, it's us the tax gets added into the cost of the products we need on a day to day basis.

They (the Gov./ Obama) are attacking the religious and our troops almost daily. How dare they suggest that our troops coming home from the War Zone are subjects of interest as possible Terrorist threats. They need to keep their eye on the right threats and that is the border to the South. With the Mexico Gov. having the difficulty it is having with their illegal drug cartels and the war which is breaking out along that border, it would be better to give the troops jobs on the border rather than treat them like threats.

Whats next? Obama is taking control of banks, auto manufacturers, reimplemented embryonic stem cell research (murder). It's up to your imagination as to where he might go next.

We must stop this before it gets to big, if it hasn't already. I did not serve this great country in the marines to see it fall to a would be dictator. Wake up. Semper Fi.

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